Many fascinating articles to share in our, "Features of the week" . 1. Halloween anniversary of a global stock market peak . 2. Approaching zero : Fed cuts to 1%, and may do more. 3. Chart Chatter: a look at the major US share indices . 4. Commodities head for worst month in 52 years. 5. Controlled Greed on John Maynard Keynes: the money manger . 6. Do we need more of Keynes now? - Frank Shostak. 7. Intervention doesn't work: Jim Rogers' quarrel with CNBC . 8. Marc Faber : "Bernanke is a disaster". 9. Short sellers aren't jackals , they're bears, Fleckenstein says. 10. Money worries should be telling (and teaching) you something. 11. Why thugs must not be allowed to prevail - Luke Johnson. 12. Peak oil: are oil prices destined to rise again? 13. Farm credit squeeze may cut crop output , spur food crisis. 14. Many US homebuyers underwater ; Hamptons home prices plunge . 15. Steve Forbes: How capitalism will save us . 16. Strongest link in an unbr...
A trader's view of the stock market and emerging financial trends.