Keeping up with the global economy in our, "Features of the week".
1. World markets slide on global recession, earnings fears.
2. Emerging markets at risk: John Authers on emerging market sell-offs.
3. New Zealand's record rate cut aims to ease pain of global recession.
4. Icelanders see Icarus-like fall of greed.
5. Chart: Shipping costs index is "biggest bubble of them all".
6. Argentina's government tries to take over private pension funds as the country faces its second debt default this decade.
7. Mish uncovers the flawed logic in Greenspan's "flawed" model.
8. Bear Stearns assets lose $2.7 billion; taxpayers on the hook.
9. Do our rulers know enough to avoid a 1930s replay?
10. George Reisman on, "The Myth that Laissez Faire is Responsible for Our Present Crisis".
11. GLG's Roman, Roubini predict hedge fund failures, regulation.
12. Roubini sees crisis worsening: Video.
13. Art sales boom may be over, but profits go on amid crisis.
14. Where are the real journalists and Hunter S. Thompsons of today?
15. Interview: "The Greatest Deficit of All".
If you've enjoyed this week's posts and would like to see more, just bookmark Finance Trends to your favorites folder and social bookmarking sites (click the "Bookmark" button near the top of our home page), or subscribe to our free RSS site feed and keep up with all our new stuff in the feed reader of your choice.
Thanks for reading Finance Trends Matter. Enjoy your weekend!
1. World markets slide on global recession, earnings fears.
2. Emerging markets at risk: John Authers on emerging market sell-offs.
3. New Zealand's record rate cut aims to ease pain of global recession.
4. Icelanders see Icarus-like fall of greed.
5. Chart: Shipping costs index is "biggest bubble of them all".
6. Argentina's government tries to take over private pension funds as the country faces its second debt default this decade.
7. Mish uncovers the flawed logic in Greenspan's "flawed" model.
8. Bear Stearns assets lose $2.7 billion; taxpayers on the hook.
9. Do our rulers know enough to avoid a 1930s replay?
10. George Reisman on, "The Myth that Laissez Faire is Responsible for Our Present Crisis".
11. GLG's Roman, Roubini predict hedge fund failures, regulation.
12. Roubini sees crisis worsening: Video.
13. Art sales boom may be over, but profits go on amid crisis.
14. Where are the real journalists and Hunter S. Thompsons of today?
15. Interview: "The Greatest Deficit of All".
If you've enjoyed this week's posts and would like to see more, just bookmark Finance Trends to your favorites folder and social bookmarking sites (click the "Bookmark" button near the top of our home page), or subscribe to our free RSS site feed and keep up with all our new stuff in the feed reader of your choice.
Thanks for reading Finance Trends Matter. Enjoy your weekend!