Welcome to our "Features of the week" , where we review some of the week's most interesting articles features and news stories. Grab a chair and browse! 1. Bernanke and Bush attempt to calm the markets with their "plan to help homeowners" and the broader economy. Bush and Paulson stress that their is focused on homeowners in trouble, not a bailout of lenders. Funny, because this whole mess reminds me of the early 1990s S&L blowup more with each passing day. More on this from Bear Mountain Bull and The Big Picture . 2. "Mozilo Cashed Out at Top of Market" . Brett Arends on the hefty insider selling of Countrywide Financial shares. 3. Cleaning up on the meltdown . BusinessWeek reports on market participants who took the other side of some popular trades during the recent credit market turmoil. 4. A tribute to Dr. Kurt Richebacher , patriarch of the "anti-bubble" economists. 5. Jeffrey Tucker and Mark Thornton discuss the Mises Institute...
A trader's view of the stock market and emerging financial trends.