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Showing posts from April, 2018

Unlocking Valuable Info: Moe Berg, Espionage, and Investing

Welcome, readers. This article on the life of ballplayer/ CIA operative , Moe Berg and the role of information gathering in espionage and investing first appeared last month in the Finance Trends Newsletter . Spring, when a young man's thoughts turn to baseball, young ladies, and... espionage? Well, that last part may seem unusual, but allow me to explain. I've been a baseball fan all my life. Even in recent years, when I have rarely felt the urge to watch professional sports, I often find myself reading about the great ballplayers of my youth or watching highlights of games from the past. One of my great pleasures as a boy was reading about baseball's earlier eras and its great heroes (or tragic figures) and colorful characters. Yes, in the pre-internet world we read tangible books. One of my early favorites was a book entitled, Baseball Anecdotes . If you have a baseball fan in your family I highly recommend it. Paperback copies are inexpensive and the bo...

Abnormal Returns Interview: Finance Blogger Wisdom

Head on over to Abnormal Returns for this week's Finance Blogger Wisdom interview series.  You'll find a daily Q&A session on investing with some of the top financial bloggers, and a new topic of discussion is offered up each day. Topics this week include: the future of pension fund returns, lessons of the post-financial crisis decade, investing in new ETFs, the IPO market for new companies, and some shout outs to our favorite under-the-radar bloggers and investing writers (look for that on Friday). Once again, AR has been kind enough to include Finance Trends in their ongoing interview series. Thanks to Tadas Viskantas at Abnormal Returns for hosting us and giving us all a platform to speak on the financial topics of the day. Subscribe to the Finance Trends N e wsletter - you'll get actionable trading ideas and valuable market insights sent to your inbox. You can follow our real-time updates on Twitter .