Let's take a look around and see if we can't make sense of these markets and our world in our, "Features of the week".
1. Market crash shakes the world - FT in depth look at the crisis.
2. Putting the stock market decline in perspective.
3. What is going on? An explanation for the non-financial person.
4. "I'm Miss World; somebody kill me...". Will gloomy sentiment and falling markets set the stage for a grunge revival?
5. Capitulation watch: "Are we there yet?", asks Chris Puplava.
6. US Treasury may buy stakes in banks within weeks.
7. Banks to lend you your own money - Daily Mash.
8. Vix exceeds 75, as volatility hedge funds thrive in this market.
9. Yen gains most in decade as investors abandon carry trade.
10. G-7 vows "all necessary steps" to monkey with the markets.
11. Is California too big to fail? Governator wants a federal loan.
12. Jim Rogers speaks out against bailouts, market intervention.
13. As the economy sags, Barack Obama's electoral prospects soar.
14. Commodites crash: commodity performance year to date.
15. The art world is no longer a safe haven.
16. Oil closes under $78 a barrel, more than a one-year low.
17. Confidence is leaving the fiat money system; is a death spiral for paper currencies next?
18. "The party is over". Time for economic reality, says Peter Schiff.
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Nevermind the gloom/bullocks. Enjoy your weekend.