We've got some great items for you on the economic recovery, the story of the Weimar hyperinflation, strategies and outlook of top-performing hedge funds, and more in this Friday's "Features". Enjoy the links. 1. Top performing hedge funds that dodged the crash & rode market rally back turn gloomy - Bloomberg. 2. BBC interviews Adam Fergusson , author of When Money Dies . 3. Read Adam Fergusson's history of the Weimar hyperinflation, When Money Dies , along with Jens O. Parsson's Dying of Money online for free - Prudent Investor. 4. Anthony Boeckh on The Artificial Recovery (pdf) - Financial Sense. 5. The Ruling Elite Called ... (James Quinn) - Financial Sense. 6. AR TV on the state of the financial world - Abnormal Returns. 7. Breaking down 2Q earnings season - WSJ Marketbeat. 8. Humans are "slightly smarter, pants-wearing primates": Monkey Economics - Big Picture. 9. Why America locks up too many people - The Economist. 10. Geoff Gannon ...
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