Jeremy Grantham's latest commentary to investors at GMO seems to stress the bubble-like atmosphere that's enveloped asset markets across the globe; at least that's what we hear from a number of sources, including John Mauldin and Barry Ritholtz (who might have actually read the thing ). Meanwhile, I can't help but notice that Grantham's observations sound a lot like what we heard from Marc Faber earlier in the year, and as far back as 2006. Let's compare. Here's Mauldin quoting Grantham : Grantham says we are now seeing the first worldwide bubble in history covering all asset classes. "'Everything is in bubble territory,' he says. 'Everything. The bursting of this bubble will be across all countries and all assets.' "'From Indian antiquities to modern Chinese art,' he wrote in a letter to clients this week following a six-week world tour, 'from land in Panama to Mayfair; from forestry, infrastructure and the ju...
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