Well, sorry to repeat myself, but this is how I basically put it earlier today on Twitter: " “To detached observers, it’s obvious Goldman $GS hearings are a public spectacle designed to draw attn to fin reg. + pandering to US voters.” " Thanks to BMB for quoting me, and more importantly, for adding his own two cents . I really couldn't summarize the game plan any better than he does. Obviously, I'm not the only one who thinks the timing or circumstances of Goldman Sach's hearing in Congress are a little staged or convenient . And it's not that the SEC doesn't have a case against Goldman; that's for the legal system to decide. It's just that we're getting the broad strokes of information on this case in the midst of a circus sideshow, with politicians lashing out at the investment bankers in a blatant effort to appeal to their economically-strained voter base. I could go on about the timing and merits of the case, and the shameless grandstandi
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