Nike ( NKE ) and Under Armour ( UAA ) are two big-name stocks caught up in this month's retail stock slide. We'll examine the ir charts in detail, but first an overview of the recent price d ecline s in this sec tor . As noted on Twitter earlier today, we are seeing major price deterioration in a number of retail stocks this week and in the month of December. Seeing a real deterioration in retail stocks this week. $RL , $BBBY , $BIG , $M among those sliding lower. — Finance Trends (@FinanceTrends) December 22, 2016 No doubt, a part of that weakness may be tied to fears of taxes on imports from China and Mexico, given President- e lect Donald Trump's decision to name economist Peter Navarro as head of a new White House National Trade Council . More on this from Reuters: " ...U.S. President-elect Donald Trump named Peter Navarro, an economist who has urged a hard line on trade with China, to head a newly formed White Hous...
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