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Showing posts from December, 2016

Nike and Under Armour Caught in Retail Stock Slide

Nike ( NKE ) and Under Armour ( UAA ) are two big-name stocks caught up in this month's retail stock slide. We'll examine the ir charts in detail, but first an overview of the recent price d ecline s in this sec tor . As noted on Twitter earlier today, we are seeing major price deterioration in a number of retail stocks this week and in the month of December.  Seeing a real deterioration in retail stocks this week. $RL , $BBBY , $BIG , $M among those sliding lower. — Finance Trends (@FinanceTrends) December 22, 2016 No doubt, a part of that weakness may be tied to fears of taxes on imports from China and Mexico, given President- e lect Donald Trump's decision to name economist Peter Navarro as head of a new White House National Trade Council . More on this from Reuters:  " ...U.S. President-elect Donald Trump named Peter Navarro, an economist who has urged a hard line on trade with China, to head a newly formed White Hous...

William O'Neil Interview: How to Buy Winning Stocks

Investor's B usiness Daily founder and veteran stock trader, William O'Neil share d his trading methods and insights on buying winning stocks in an in-depth IBD radio interview. Here are some highlights from William O'Neil's interview with IBD: William O'Neil's interest in the stock market began when he started working as a young adult.  "I say many times that I didn't get that much out of college. I didn't have much interest in the stock market until I graduated from college. When I got married, I had to look out into the future and get more serious. The investment world had some appeal and that's when I started studying it. I became a stock broker after I got out of the Air Force."    He moved to Los Angeles and started work in a stock broker's office with twenty other guys. When their phone leads from ads didn't pan out, O'Neil would take the leads and drive down to visit the prospective customers in person....