As you may have noticed, I've recently added social bookmarking features to the blog. I recently added a "Bookmark" link in the Finance Trends sidebar, which allows you to bookmark Finance Trends Matter in your personal browser and to many of your favorite social bookmarking sites. I've also added the AddThis bookmark widget in the footer of each post. Now you can save any individual post as a "favorite" or bookmark in your browser, or share them on Digg,, Google Bookmarks, or any number of bookmarking services. I hope these new features will help you organize information, enhance your visit, and allow you to share this blog and its content with others. I'd also like to thank a couple of fellow bloggers who helped me add these features to the site. To Amanda at Blogger Buster , and Charles at The Kirk Report , thanks for your help in adding these important features! I couldn't have done it without you. Thanks for reading, sharing, and b
A trader's view of the stock market and emerging financial trends.