Legendary hedge fund (Tiger Management) manager, Julian Robertson sits down with CNBC for an interview on the economy, the US' financial situation, and his views on investment opportunities . As most of you who regularly read this blog know, we rarely feature (or discuss) anything shown on CNBC , so if you notice a segment of their programming featured here, you can assume it is worth watching. That's certainly the case with discussions featuring Julian Robertson, whose past CNBC interviews can be found here . You can also find more on Robertson in our related articles and posts footer below. Hat tip to Paul Kedrosky for highlighting this clip. Related articles and posts : 1. Seasoned investors search for value - Finance Trends. 2. Robertson shifts curve steepeners to curve caps - Marketfolly . 3. Profile on Julian Robertson - Marketfolly . 4. Tiger's Julian Robertson roars again - Fortune.
A trader's view of the stock market and emerging financial trends.