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Features of the week

Hello, everyone, and welcome to our "Features of the week". Let's jump right in and get started.

1. "Crisis, what energy crisis?". Our friends at The Oil Drum: Europe have put together an impressive post that looks to spur debate about our energy future.

Over fifty links to Oil Drum articles over the past year are included. Topics include ethanol and biomass, solar and wind, and uranium and nuclear power. Plus, reviews of important net energy metrics and sustainable living topics. You might want to bookmark this link for reference.

2. Interviews with Jim Rogers and Marc Faber on CNBC World and Bloomberg.

3. Art dealer sells a Raphael painting for 100,000 times his purchase price.

4. Rare objects have become increasingly sought after as the world's rich have turned their attention to tangible investments and rare art.

Bloomberg tracks this trend in the recent article, "Oil Millionaires Chase Dwindling Supply of Islamic Treasures".

5. Despite widespread bearishness, the global boom could continue, says Puru Saxena.

6. Don't tell me about inflation! Mike Hewitt discusses "Propaganda with a Capital 'P'".

7. Carbon trading soars, and Futures Magazine details the business at the Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX), and the European Climate Exchange (ECX).

8. When it comes to global futures trading, Asia's almost here. For now, an overview of Asian derivatives products available to international traders.

9. A panel of investors discuss the possibility of a global correction in, "Stock and Bond Bull Markets - The Beginning of the End?".

10. "Slovenian Shares, Top World Performers, Cost More Than China's".

11. Investors take note: The U.S. Supreme Court may dismantle taxes on municipal bonds.

12. Paul Kedrosky on Google's new draggable driving directions feature.

13. Henrik Soke's Active Investor's Blog is a new source for investment news and stock picks.

14. Sprott Asset Management discusses the, "Global Cooling For US Bonds".

15. Prostate cancer is a profound risk for American men over the age of forty. Unfortunately, there is much disagreement among doctors regarding possible treatments.

This report from Bloomberg Markets Magazine profiles five men who decided to look into the matter for themselves and shape their own personal treatment strategies. Read this article and then pass it on to five friends.

Have a great weekend, everyone.

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