Grant's Interest Rate Observer founder, Jim Grant sits down with Consuelo Mack for an interview on WealthTrack.
Topics include: the rising cost of living and commodities, the US dollar's decline, and the Federal Reserve's targets for "desired inflation". See what Grant has to say about all this, and more, in this discussion.
By the way, I don't think anyone who caught Grant's interview or Michael Burry's recent talk on America's financial condition was surprised by S&P's recent warning on America's AAA debt rating. Only the timing of the outlook revision might have come as a surprise, and even that may have been telegraphed to market participants earlier.
Related articles and posts:
1. Jim Grant and John Hathaway chat with Charlie Rose.
2. Jim Grant's latest interview with King World News.
3. Lew Rockwell and Jim Grant discuss Austrian economics, gold standard.