While playing around with the Market Macromaps feature on FT.com today, I decided to check up on the top 1 month global stock index gainers.
Here's a screenshot of that chart. You'll note that Norway's Oslo All-Share Index, Hong Kong's Hang Seng, India's S&P CNX Nifty Fifty, Indonesia's JSX, Chile's DJ-Chile, and US' Nasdaq are among the top index performers shown here.
After a ripping September performance for US equities, we're hearing some hopeful talk about a positive fourth quarter performance for US shares. However, if you're inclined to take a more cautious view, Mark Hulbert at MarketWatch has a piece up which notes that October's (and each month's) market performance may be independent of the preceeding month's performance.
So while mid-term elections are touted as a catalyst for next year's stock market performance (more on that here and here), don't go betting all your marbles on an October follow through from September.