Bit of a Monday afternoon reading list. Here's what we're looking at today and for the week ahead.
1. Bank profits dimmed by prospect of home equity losses.
2. Trader blows whistle on gold and silver price manipulation (Jesse's Cafe).
3. Check out copper's run back up to $3.50 over the past year.
4. The Wall St. Journal sees a light at the end of the bailout tunnel.
5. Economist special report: America's economy set to shift from consumption and debt, towards saving and exports.
6. Gregor MacDonald and Stocktwits combine forces for the Macro Weekly letter.
Thanks for checking in. Reminder: you can also keep up with our latest links and thoughts on Twitter or subscribe to our RSS blog feed to keep posted with our market musings.
1. Bank profits dimmed by prospect of home equity losses.
2. Trader blows whistle on gold and silver price manipulation (Jesse's Cafe).
3. Check out copper's run back up to $3.50 over the past year.
4. The Wall St. Journal sees a light at the end of the bailout tunnel.
5. Economist special report: America's economy set to shift from consumption and debt, towards saving and exports.
6. Gregor MacDonald and Stocktwits combine forces for the Macro Weekly letter.
Thanks for checking in. Reminder: you can also keep up with our latest links and thoughts on Twitter or subscribe to our RSS blog feed to keep posted with our market musings.