Jim Rogers is in New York, making the rounds on business television. Here's a great interview with Rogers on CNBC, talking with Maria Bartiromo about the Fed, Geithner, and the state of the US' finances.
He also shared his investment (and trading) outlook on the US dollar, foreign currencies, and commodities. Rogers agrees that gold has rallied strongly and is ready for a move down, but notes that he is keeping his gold for the long term, and he's still quite bullish on relatively undervalued silver.
Jim also sat down to talk with Tech Ticker and made some very interesting comments on the bogus economic recovery and the future of America.
Rogers feels that most of the phantom recovery has been based on more money printing, debt, and wealth transfers from taxpayers to failed banks and their creditors. He also makes some very serious comments about our stepped up involvement in Afghanistan and the long-term consequences for our nation and its economy.
More Tech Ticker segments with Rogers: "Audit the Fed, Then Abolish It", &, "Why Jim Rogers is Buying Dollars".
Enjoy the interviews (hat tip to Chris Nelder on Twitter), and let's hope that some of this serves as a wake up call to those still in thrall with our "leaders".
Related articles and posts:
1. Jim Rogers interview with FT.com - Finance Trends.
2. Marc Faber BNN interview - Finance Trends.