Wes Anderson interviews Peter Bogdanovich.
One of the many cool interviews that I've come across lately on YouTube, here's director Wes Anderson interviewing fellow filmmaker (and likely mentor), Peter Bogdanovich.
I always find it interesting to see or read an interview conducted by someone who happens to share the interviewee's profession and outlook on things.
If you're a fan of either director's work, I hope you'll enjoy this engaging little chat between two filmmaking stars, recorded for the 25th anniversary release of Bogdanovich's film, They All Laughed.
Quick interview note: I was interested to hear Bogdanovich's comments on the benefits of the Hollywood studio system, and the aspects of that talent contract framework which helped improve the writing quality of certain film scripts.
His comments seem to echo a similar point made by TCM's Robert Osborne on the relative ease of assembling all-star ensemble casts under the contract system in place at that time.