That discussion is still going strong in today's news. So we're going to include some video highlights from Boone's July 8 appearance on CNBC, in which he outlined his plan to supply more of our country's energy needs through wind power, natural gas, and solar energy. To find more videos from that CNBC appearance, see this link.
Now there's another great video with Boone that I wanted to highlight, and it's one that we posted in our May 9 "Features" post.
Here's video of T. Boone Pickens speaking earlier this spring at the Milken Institute Global Conference.
This is a great hour-long Bloomberg video clip in which Boone talks with interviewer Brian Sullivan about his business failures and successes, and his thoughts on energy prices and energy policy. He also uses this appearance to sketch the outline for his now-public "Pickens Plan".
While I certainly don't agree with everything Pickens says, advocates, or does with regards to energy policy and his related business ventures, there are a few reasons why I'd point to this Milken Conference video as highly recommended viewing material.
You may not agree with his energy plan, but you'll probably learn a few things about energy, trading & investing, and business by watching this clip and learning from Boone's experience.
Check it out, and enjoy.