Enjoy this Friday's edition of, "Features".
1. Guantanamo detainees have rights, court rules.
2. Refinery oil premiums cast doubt on role of speculators.
3. Real interest rates are negative in most Asian nations.
4. Marc Faber feels most asset classes are currently overvalued.
5. Andrew Smith, of Aberdeen Property Investors, discusses the UK property market with FT's "View from the Markets".
6. Inflation soars in the US, India, Chile, Bulgaria, Egypt, Phillippines, Russia, and across Asia.
See also, "Emerging markets face inflation meltdown".
7. Ron Paul ends his US presidential campaign, and says he will focus his energy on building up the libertarian voice in the GOP.
8. Is there a short term fix for high gas prices?
9. Ed Lampert puts money on housing rebound.
10. International investors are hedging against a rise in the dollar.
11. The man who beat the SEC: Phil Goldstein. (Hat tip to Dave in NY)
12. Barron's editor Gene Epstein on gold, the Fed, and money.
13. An Introduction to Austrian Economics - free MP3 audiobook.
14. T. Boone Pickens thinks water is the new oil - BusinessWeek. (Hat tip to Abnormal Returns)
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Have a great weekend!
1. Guantanamo detainees have rights, court rules.
2. Refinery oil premiums cast doubt on role of speculators.
3. Real interest rates are negative in most Asian nations.
4. Marc Faber feels most asset classes are currently overvalued.
5. Andrew Smith, of Aberdeen Property Investors, discusses the UK property market with FT's "View from the Markets".
6. Inflation soars in the US, India, Chile, Bulgaria, Egypt, Phillippines, Russia, and across Asia.
See also, "Emerging markets face inflation meltdown".
7. Ron Paul ends his US presidential campaign, and says he will focus his energy on building up the libertarian voice in the GOP.
8. Is there a short term fix for high gas prices?
9. Ed Lampert puts money on housing rebound.
10. International investors are hedging against a rise in the dollar.
11. The man who beat the SEC: Phil Goldstein. (Hat tip to Dave in NY)
12. Barron's editor Gene Epstein on gold, the Fed, and money.
13. An Introduction to Austrian Economics - free MP3 audiobook.
14. T. Boone Pickens thinks water is the new oil - BusinessWeek. (Hat tip to Abnormal Returns)
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Have a great weekend!