Lots of energy related news in this week's "Features", and plenty more besides...
1. Oil climbs above $126, as commodities benefit from dollar flight.
2. Putting $120+ oil in perspective: Jim Rogers, Bill Powers, Matt Simmons.
3. (Video) T. Boone Pickens discusses wind power and energy policy during the Milken Institute Global Conference.
4. Citigroup (NYSE:C) plans to shed $400 billion in assets as part of Vikram Pandit's rebuilding plan.
5. Uh oh: Zimbabwe bank officials now praising our officials.
6. FT correspondent Jack Fairweather describes changing perspectives in Iraq.
7. Post-election violence in Zimbabwe escalates.
8. Tea with Greenspan down 65%, and other casualties of a weak economy.
9. "Why not let the markets set prices?", asks Peter Schiff.
10. Mish on tax rebates and "economic stimulus nonsense".
11. Icap founder Michael Spencer launches a new Africa and Middle East investment fund.
12. Calling oil wrong: misinterpreting the forward market price curve.
13. Election year + $124 crude oil = silly solutions: Caroline Baum.
14. Recession is in the eye of the beholder: Financial Philosopher.
15. The housing crisis is over, says Cyril Moulle-Berteaux. Discuss.
16. Hedge funds: Some winners in the tumult are emerging.
17. Saluting Generation X without irony. (Hat tip to Abnormal Returns).
18. David Bowie chats with Dick Cavett and performs a few songs in this 1974 Dick Cavett Show appearance (Part one, part two, part three, part four, part five). A preview to our weekend jukebox feature.
Thanks for reading Finance Trends Matter. Hope you've enjoyed this week's posts.
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Enjoy your weekend!
1. Oil climbs above $126, as commodities benefit from dollar flight.
2. Putting $120+ oil in perspective: Jim Rogers, Bill Powers, Matt Simmons.
3. (Video) T. Boone Pickens discusses wind power and energy policy during the Milken Institute Global Conference.
4. Citigroup (NYSE:C) plans to shed $400 billion in assets as part of Vikram Pandit's rebuilding plan.
5. Uh oh: Zimbabwe bank officials now praising our officials.
6. FT correspondent Jack Fairweather describes changing perspectives in Iraq.
7. Post-election violence in Zimbabwe escalates.
8. Tea with Greenspan down 65%, and other casualties of a weak economy.
9. "Why not let the markets set prices?", asks Peter Schiff.
10. Mish on tax rebates and "economic stimulus nonsense".
11. Icap founder Michael Spencer launches a new Africa and Middle East investment fund.
12. Calling oil wrong: misinterpreting the forward market price curve.
13. Election year + $124 crude oil = silly solutions: Caroline Baum.
14. Recession is in the eye of the beholder: Financial Philosopher.
15. The housing crisis is over, says Cyril Moulle-Berteaux. Discuss.
16. Hedge funds: Some winners in the tumult are emerging.
17. Saluting Generation X without irony. (Hat tip to Abnormal Returns).
18. David Bowie chats with Dick Cavett and performs a few songs in this 1974 Dick Cavett Show appearance (Part one, part two, part three, part four, part five). A preview to our weekend jukebox feature.
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Enjoy your weekend!