Since we talked about investing in natural resources and energy in, "Profiting from the reflation", I thought that we should follow up that discussion with an in depth look at the fundamentals driving higher oil prices and the outlook for our energy future.
For a thorough examination of these topics, let's revisit our August 2006 interview with energy investor, Bill Powers, of Powers Asset Management.
In this wide ranging discussion on energy, Powers fills us in on the outlook for global oil and gas production, the onset of "peak oil", possible options for an alternative energy future, and the increased role that nuclear power is likely to play in providing for our future energy needs.
You'll also find some discussion of Bill's notable (and very on the mark) oil price forecasts, and the reasoning behind his calls for significantly higher crude oil prices. You'll find that much of the reasoning behind his past energy calls is still in force, and that these trends are only now becoming more apparent to a larger number of market participants and observers.
And of course, we couldn't let Bill go without giving us a brief overview of his energy investment methods and outlook. You'll find a synopsis of his investment style towards the end of the interview, along with a few starter tips for would-be energy investors.
Hope you enjoyed this interview and have found a little perspective on how and why we've reached $80 oil.
For more updates to Bill Powers' energy outlook, be sure to look for his upcoming guest appearances on the Financial Sense Newshour as an energy guest expert.
For a thorough examination of these topics, let's revisit our August 2006 interview with energy investor, Bill Powers, of Powers Asset Management.
In this wide ranging discussion on energy, Powers fills us in on the outlook for global oil and gas production, the onset of "peak oil", possible options for an alternative energy future, and the increased role that nuclear power is likely to play in providing for our future energy needs.
You'll also find some discussion of Bill's notable (and very on the mark) oil price forecasts, and the reasoning behind his calls for significantly higher crude oil prices. You'll find that much of the reasoning behind his past energy calls is still in force, and that these trends are only now becoming more apparent to a larger number of market participants and observers.
And of course, we couldn't let Bill go without giving us a brief overview of his energy investment methods and outlook. You'll find a synopsis of his investment style towards the end of the interview, along with a few starter tips for would-be energy investors.
Hope you enjoyed this interview and have found a little perspective on how and why we've reached $80 oil.
For more updates to Bill Powers' energy outlook, be sure to look for his upcoming guest appearances on the Financial Sense Newshour as an energy guest expert.