Some articles and blog posts of interest:
1. Jim Rogers says India and China will continue to drive commodity prices.
2. "Commodity prices hurting consumers in India".
At least they got the part about supply and demand right. Notice that there is no mention in this article of government fueling inflation through double-digit rate increases of the money supply. As usual, speculators and middlemen take the blame.
3. "What Lies Beneath", from Doug Wakefield and Ben Hill.
Ah, here we find those pesky little money supply growth figures for India and China. A taste of global money and credit creation. And you wonder why we have inflation worldwide?
4. Top 25 quotes on the Credit Crisis of '07.
5. Richard Bove of Punk Ziegel says the Fed is interfering with the markets by pouring money into the financial system. Interview with Bloomberg's Tom Keene (hat tip to the Mises blog).
6. Global stock market performance round-up from Investment Postcards.
7. Traderfeed tells us how large traders disguise their buying and selling.
8. The ECB, BOE, and Fed continue on the path of monetary inflation.
9. Peter Thiel tells Mercury News: "we need to prepare for artificial intelligence".
10. The rise of data-driven decision making: Expert vs. the machine.
11. Satyajit Das holds forth in a Q&A on quantitative investing.
For info on how the quant funds fared in recent weeks, see the WSJ article, "How Market Turmoil Waylaid the 'Quants".
12. "Unsafe Havens". A Bloomberg Magazine report on U.S. money market funds.
13. "The Great Capitalist Novel". Greg Davis on Garet Garett's novel, The Driver.
14. Gluttons for punishment? "Appetite for CDOs, other risky debt, up". Hat tip to the Kirk Report.
15. The Economist on the "Atomic renaissance" and a new age of nuclear power.
16. Deborah Gordon on Ants, Humans, the Division of Labor, and Emergent Order. An Econtalk interview on the order that emerges without hierarchy, control, or centralized authority.
That's all, folks. Enjoy, and thanks for reading Finance Trends Matter.
1. Jim Rogers says India and China will continue to drive commodity prices.
2. "Commodity prices hurting consumers in India".
At least they got the part about supply and demand right. Notice that there is no mention in this article of government fueling inflation through double-digit rate increases of the money supply. As usual, speculators and middlemen take the blame.
3. "What Lies Beneath", from Doug Wakefield and Ben Hill.
Ah, here we find those pesky little money supply growth figures for India and China. A taste of global money and credit creation. And you wonder why we have inflation worldwide?
4. Top 25 quotes on the Credit Crisis of '07.
5. Richard Bove of Punk Ziegel says the Fed is interfering with the markets by pouring money into the financial system. Interview with Bloomberg's Tom Keene (hat tip to the Mises blog).
6. Global stock market performance round-up from Investment Postcards.
7. Traderfeed tells us how large traders disguise their buying and selling.
8. The ECB, BOE, and Fed continue on the path of monetary inflation.
9. Peter Thiel tells Mercury News: "we need to prepare for artificial intelligence".
10. The rise of data-driven decision making: Expert vs. the machine.
11. Satyajit Das holds forth in a Q&A on quantitative investing.
For info on how the quant funds fared in recent weeks, see the WSJ article, "How Market Turmoil Waylaid the 'Quants".
12. "Unsafe Havens". A Bloomberg Magazine report on U.S. money market funds.
13. "The Great Capitalist Novel". Greg Davis on Garet Garett's novel, The Driver.
14. Gluttons for punishment? "Appetite for CDOs, other risky debt, up". Hat tip to the Kirk Report.
15. The Economist on the "Atomic renaissance" and a new age of nuclear power.
16. Deborah Gordon on Ants, Humans, the Division of Labor, and Emergent Order. An Econtalk interview on the order that emerges without hierarchy, control, or centralized authority.
That's all, folks. Enjoy, and thanks for reading Finance Trends Matter.