The fallout from the U.S. housing bubble continues, as Barry Ritholtz details in his recent post, "Housing Freefall Continues Unabated".
He notes that the S&P/Case-Shiller Home Price indices show negative returns in the National Home Price Index, and many of the other sub-indexes besides.
Ritholtz also points to recent news that suggests the housing and construction bust is far from over, despite constant reiterations to the contrary from the media and its endless parade of talking heads.
Check out Barry's post at the link above.
He notes that the S&P/Case-Shiller Home Price indices show negative returns in the National Home Price Index, and many of the other sub-indexes besides.
Ritholtz also points to recent news that suggests the housing and construction bust is far from over, despite constant reiterations to the contrary from the media and its endless parade of talking heads.
Check out Barry's post at the link above.