Since retiring from the investment management business in the 1990s, Dean Lebaron has had more time to focus on a variety of interests.
He has written and spoken about technology and its investment applications, international relations, solving global problems, and he has also taken time to rethink some of his previously held beliefs.
Dean also maintains a website,, where he logs some of his thoughts on technology, investing, his family and lifestyle, and the world we live in.
Recently, he recorded a short video commentary on his view of the world and the shift in how the world views the United States. I found his brief take on the matter, as well as his openness, interesting and refreshing. See: Dean to International Friends: "I'm Sorry".
To view the clip, you'll need RealPlayer, which can be downloaded for free at his website.
You can also visit the site for more on Dean's point of view, or see his most recent interview with Barron's magazine.
He has written and spoken about technology and its investment applications, international relations, solving global problems, and he has also taken time to rethink some of his previously held beliefs.
Dean also maintains a website,, where he logs some of his thoughts on technology, investing, his family and lifestyle, and the world we live in.
Recently, he recorded a short video commentary on his view of the world and the shift in how the world views the United States. I found his brief take on the matter, as well as his openness, interesting and refreshing. See: Dean to International Friends: "I'm Sorry".
To view the clip, you'll need RealPlayer, which can be downloaded for free at his website.
You can also visit the site for more on Dean's point of view, or see his most recent interview with Barron's magazine.