An article in the Hindustan Times Monday declares "Bush wants Guantanamo closed, detainees tried." Excerpt:
Unites States President George W Bush said he wanted to see the camp at Guanatamo Bay in Cuba closed and the prisoners held there put on trial.
"I very much would like to end Guantanamo; I very much would like to get people to a court," Bush said in an interview on the German television channel ARD on Sunday.
US Attorney General Gonzales had recently maintained that the detention camp was essential, despite widespread calls for its closure.
Britain's Attorney General, Lord Goldsmith, has recently made public his view that the Guantanamo Bay center violates international standards of law and should be shuttered.
Unites States President George W Bush said he wanted to see the camp at Guanatamo Bay in Cuba closed and the prisoners held there put on trial.
"I very much would like to end Guantanamo; I very much would like to get people to a court," Bush said in an interview on the German television channel ARD on Sunday.
US Attorney General Gonzales had recently maintained that the detention camp was essential, despite widespread calls for its closure.
Britain's Attorney General, Lord Goldsmith, has recently made public his view that the Guantanamo Bay center violates international standards of law and should be shuttered.